Professional and Certified, Home Organizers serving central and north Alameda County and West Contra Costa County.

They Want Your Stuff!

on Oct 25, 2020

You might be surprised how many organizations and individuals want your cast-offs!

A lot of people are finding time to declutter these days. However, there are a variety of items that you can’t just drop at a thrift store. Inspired by a recent AARP Bulletin article, here are some resources for finding homes for your usable cast-offs. We’ve added a few local options as well. Always call ahead; some agencies have changed drop-off and pickup services due to COVID. 


National Cristina foundation links you with charities in your neighborhood that could use your tech. You can mail your laptop to Globetops and it will go to someone in need in the U.S. or elsewhere. 


Phone donations to Cell Phones for Soldiers fund calls for service members overseas. Phones sent to Medic Mobilesupport health care in 26 countries. 

Musical Instruments

Berkeley Schools Visual and Performing Arts Department accepts instrument drop-offs. Generally, they accept anything but pianos and drum sets that lack symbols and stands. 


Waterside Workshop in Berkeley is a non-profit that teaches kids how to fix and restore bikes. El Cerrito Recycling Center has a bike bin.

Medical Supplies

Project Cure and Advocates for World Health accept medical gear and unused supplies for worldwide use. Med-Eqconnects you with charities seeking supplies and equipment, mostly for overseas use. Locally in the SF Bay Area, Re-Cares accepts re-useable supplies and equipment. 


Soles4Souls sends new and gently used footwear to people worldwide. Northface Outlet in Berkeley has a Soles4Soles donation bin at the front door. One World Running sends nearly new athletic shoes to needy athletes. 


Habitat for Humanity ReStores resell used construction supplies and household goods. They will pick up large appliances. 

Hearing Aids

The Starkey Hearing Foundation and the Hearing Aid Project both distribute recycled devices. A local Lions Club may also accept donations. 

Formal  & Business Wear

Brides Across America takes wedding dresses and special occasion gowns for military and first responder brides. Becca’s Closet provides prom dresses for high schoolers. Wardrobe for Opportunity and Dress For Success both accept business appropriate clothes to support women and men entering the workforce.

Other Items

StopWaste.Org is a public agency committed to reducing waste in Alameda County.  Many counties have this kind of resource.

If all else fails, post it on NEXTDoor or your community bulletin board, Freecycle, Craigslist free posting.

Happy Purging!

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