Professional and Certified, Home Organizers serving central and north Alameda County and West Contra Costa County.

A Refresher on Organizing Techniques

on Feb 1, 2021

Do you need a nudge to tackle an organizing project? Here’s a refresher on a couple ways that we approach organizing. The decision on which way to go is based on what the client gravitates towards. In any case, we often mix and match…and do whatever works to get the job completed.

Throughout the house, use the S.P.A.C.E. process for organizing, developed by best-selling author and organizer, Julie Morgenstern.

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Džoko Stach from Pixabay

SORT – Pull out everything (ideally) or by shelf or category and sort into category groups. It helps to make temporary labels to make the process go more quickly

PURGE – Eliminate items you had good intentions for but know you’ll never use, wear or consume.

ASSIGN A HOME – Re-evaluate the available real estate of your home. High-use items do best in easily accessible places. Consider assigning zones throughout the house to make things easy to find when you need them and easy to put away when you’re done with them.

CONTAINERIZE – There are many different products that can help with maximizing space. Use temporary boxes or bins until you can find the container that works best in your space.

EQUALIZE – Remember, life isn’t static and you’ll continue to have an influx of stuff into your home. It’s good to plan a reorganization at least once a year.

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Deborah Kruse from Pixabay

If you were going to do the KonMari Method, Marie Kondo advises starting the process with clothing. After that category has been completed, you would move to books, then paper, then general household stuff then sentimental items.

This method asks you to start by gathering all items in one category and then deciding what you love, what sparks joy and what you want to keep — as opposed to what you don’t want. 

By using this method, you will develop a better sense of discernment about how the things around you make you feel.  Once unneeded items are sent away, you are left only with items that you’re happy to have around and that provide you with a deep sense of satisfaction. This process helps to ensure that you won’t be tempted to hold onto items that don’t serve you.

Once you’ve determined the items that spark joy for you, decide where they will live and what kind of container you’ll need to make them assessable.

Do What Fits You…

No matter how you organize, it’s good to have a process. Some folks have even reported that the style of going from area to area in a random fashion works.

Have you started an organizing project, gotten interrupted and found your home in a swirl? The most important thing to remember is to finish the project. And get help when you’re stuck!

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COVID-19 UPDATE: We are open with safety modifications. We evaluate each job for safety and would love to talk to you about your projects. Click for details…

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